• Riga inrenational coach terminal

    Riga inrenational coach terminal (LATVIA)

  • Kaliningrad

    Kaliningrad bus station (RUSSIA)

  • Minsk

    Minsk bus station (BELARUS)

  • Zob Hamburg

    ZOB Hamburg (GERMANY)

  • Ljubljani

    Ljubljana International Coach terminal (SLOVENIA)

  • Moscow

    Association “Development of Coach Terminals of the Country” (RUSSIA)

  • Belgrad

    Belgrad bus station (SERBIA)

  • Nordeka

    Joint Stock Company Nordeka (LATVIA)

  • Malmo

    Malmö (SWEDEN)

  • Kaunas bus station

    JSC Tolimojo keleivinio transporto kompanija (LITHUANIA)

  • Zagreb

    Zagreb bus station (CROATIA)

  • Tallin

    Tallin bus station (ESTONIA)

  • Kautra

    Kaunas bus station (LITHUANIA)

  • Daugavpils coach terminal

    Daugavpils coach terminal (LATVIA)

    Avtobusna postaja Ljubljana” d.d., Ljubljana / Slovenia

    Ljubljana bus station is the main and the biggest bus station in Ljubljana and Slovenia. It has 33 bus platforms. Even though it’s operating on a small place, it’s known for it’s flexibility, proactivity and great cooperation among traffic stakeholders, home and international bus operators. It’s center position in the heart of Europe is highly attractive to many bus operators and that’s way the bus traffic in the last years is growing steadily.
