• Ljubljani

    Ljubljana International Coach terminal (SLOVENIA)

  • Kaunas bus station

    JSC Tolimojo keleivinio transporto kompanija (LITHUANIA)

  • Kaliningrad

    Kaliningrad bus station (RUSSIA)

  • Tallin

    Tallin bus station (ESTONIA)

  • Minsk

    Minsk bus station (BELARUS)

  • Zagreb

    Zagreb bus station (CROATIA)

  • Malmo

    Malmö (SWEDEN)

  • Daugavpils coach terminal

    Daugavpils coach terminal (LATVIA)

  • Belgrad

    Belgrad bus station (SERBIA)

  • Nordeka

    Joint Stock Company Nordeka (LATVIA)

  • Riga inrenational coach terminal

    Riga inrenational coach terminal (LATVIA)

  • Zob Hamburg

    ZOB Hamburg (GERMANY)

  • Kautra

    Kaunas bus station (LITHUANIA)

  • Moscow

    Association “Development of Coach Terminals of the Country” (RUSSIA)

    Preliminary advice for preparedness and response to cases of COVID-19 at ground crossings (buses and bus stations) in the European Union (EU)/ European Economic Area (EEA) Member States (MS)

    This interim advice was prepared after a request from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE).