• Daugavpils coach terminal

    Daugavpils coach terminal (LATVIA)

  • Zagreb

    Zagreb bus station (CROATIA)

  • Kautra

    Kaunas bus station (LITHUANIA)

  • Zob Hamburg

    ZOB Hamburg (GERMANY)

  • Tallin

    Tallin bus station (ESTONIA)

  • Nordeka

    Joint Stock Company Nordeka (LATVIA)

  • Ljubljani

    Ljubljana International Coach terminal (SLOVENIA)

  • Belgrad

    Belgrad bus station (SERBIA)

  • Kaunas bus station

    JSC Tolimojo keleivinio transporto kompanija (LITHUANIA)

  • Malmo

    Malmö (SWEDEN)

  • Riga inrenational coach terminal

    Riga inrenational coach terminal (LATVIA)

    International Guidelines for Bus and Coach Station design and operation

    The IRU International Commission on Technical Affairs (CIT) has developed International Guidelines for Bus and Coach Station design and operation which have a significant and disproportionate impact upon bus and coach station operation and throughput of vehicles and passengers.

    It also includes examples of safe practices throughout the road transport sector.

    The Guidelines are primarily based on UK Guidance for the safe design and operation of Bus Stations and Interchanges which was completed in 2011 and updated in 2013.

    The aim of these guidelines is to enable key stakeholders involved in the road transport of passengers to understand the safety and operational risks involved in operating and using bus and coach stations. When transport stakeholders implement the Guidelines from the outset, these will influence sustainable improvements in bus and coach station design, operation and road safety standards.

    Furthermore, these guidelines will have no legal power; however, it will show safe methods and provide information, recommendations and good practices for different Bus and Coach Station design and operation. By considering safety, environmental factors and cost effective measures, it will enable users to select the best solution based on their specific requirements in a simple and expressive way.

    These guidelines on Bus and Coach Station design and operation will help to ensure a safe working/leisure environment for all those involved in passenger transport.

    IRU Bus Coach Station Guide version 8