• Minsk

    Minsk bus station (BELARUS)

  • Nordeka

    Joint Stock Company Nordeka (LATVIA)

  • Zagreb

    Zagreb bus station (CROATIA)

  • Ljubljani

    Ljubljana International Coach terminal (SLOVENIA)

  • Moscow

    Association “Development of Coach Terminals of the Country” (RUSSIA)

  • Kaunas bus station

    JSC Tolimojo keleivinio transporto kompanija (LITHUANIA)

  • Tallin

    Tallin bus station (ESTONIA)

  • Kaliningrad

    Kaliningrad bus station (RUSSIA)

  • Zob Hamburg

    ZOB Hamburg (GERMANY)

  • Riga inrenational coach terminal

    Riga inrenational coach terminal (LATVIA)

  • Belgrad

    Belgrad bus station (SERBIA)

  • Malmo

    Malmö (SWEDEN)

  • Daugavpils coach terminal

    Daugavpils coach terminal (LATVIA)

  • Kautra

    Kaunas bus station (LITHUANIA)

    APC 15th anniversary!

    Dear Members of The Association of Paneuropean Coach terminals e. V. (APC)!

    Save the dates for celebration of the APC 15th anniversary!

    When: from 3rd to 5th of September, 2018

    Where:  Riga, Latvia

    What: APC Presidency meeting,

    • Retro bus parade and “Anniversary trip”,
    • Opening of the Book about RICT history,
    • Members meeting and Workshop,

    wonderful and unique 15th Anniversary Celebration Evening at the top of the greatest cultural building of the 21st century in Latvia “Castle of Light” or the National Library of Latvia (for more information: https://www.lnb.lv/).